Ed2k To Magnet Link

Nowadays, so-called Magnet links have replaced eD2k links in practice. They serve a similar role, but are not limited to the eD2k hash and can contain other hashes such as SHA-1 or MD5 for example, which makes it possible to use these links to point to files in several networks (as well as in BitTorrent) at once. Info hash: (mandatory) torrent name: (this is not an URL, this is a title for the torrent in the client) Magnet Link: Trackers to include into the magnet link.

In computing, eD2k links (ed2k://) are hyperlinks used to denote files stored on computers connected to the eDonkey filesharing P2P network.

Ed2k links are ok, but they are not very extendable. Magnet links are easy to use and it is easy to add new functions to them. They also are URIs, while ed2k links don't follow any standard but their own, and sometimes run into conflicts and trouble (encoding issues, parsing issues). It helps you to deal with ed2k/magnet links, with functions of select range and filename search. When there are a lot of Ed2k and Magnet links in a page, it is always a hassle to sort out the links.


Many programs, such as eMule, MLDonkey and the original eDonkey2000 client by MetaMachine, which introduced the link type, as well as others using the eDonkey file sharing protocol, can be used to manage files stored in the filesharing network.

eD2k links allow a file to be identified from a link in a web browser and to be downloaded thereafter by a client like eMule, Shareaza or any other compatible software. This linking feature was one of the first URIs to be introduced in peer-to-peer file sharing, and had a vast effect on the development of the eDonkey network, as it allowed external link sites to provide verified content within the network. Nowadays, so-called Magnet links have replaced eD2k links in practice. They serve a similar role, but are not limited to the eD2k hash and can contain other hashes such as SHA-1 or MD5 for example, which makes it possible to use these links to point to files in several networks (as well as in BitTorrent) at once.

eD2k links include file hashes, as these hashes can be used as a unique identifier for files within the network, so even if the linked-to file has a different name on two computers within the network, the file can be found on both of them, and file chunks can be obtained from both sources. This is done by using a hash function on the file to calculate its checksum, depending only from the file content, not from its name.

Like other URI protocols, web browsers can be configured to automatically handle ed2k URIs. After installing an eD2k client, the eD2k protocol is optionally registered so that clicking on it in the browser automatically starts the download or asks whether the user wants to start downloading.

File link format

File links are preceded with the 'file' token, which indicates that this is a file link, as opposed to a server, serverlist, nodelist or friend link. The typical eD2k file link also includes the filename and the file size. An example (a link to the 15 MB Purist Edit trailer) is provided below:

eD2k links can also include a reference to the IP address and port of specific clients that are known to share the linked-to file. This is done by adding a list of sources after the main part of the link, like shown in the following example:

On eMule, the link often contains also an AICH top hash|h=H52BRVWPBBTAED5NXQDH2RJDDAKRUWST| to help recover the file in case of corruption during file transfer.

eD2k hash algorithm

The eD2k hash function is a root hash of a list of MD4hashes. It gives a different result than a simple usage of the MD4 algorithm.

The file data is divided into full chunks of 9500 KiB (9728000 bytes) plus a remainder chunk, and a separate 128-bit MD4 checksum is computed for each. If the file is greater than 9500 KiB (which means that there is more than one chunk), the eD2k hash is computed by concatenating the chunks' MD4 checksums in order and hashing the result again using MD4. Otherwise, the MD4 hash of the only chunk of the file is used with no further modifications.[1]

This method of hashing allows the recipient to verify that a hash list corresponds to an original eD2k file hash, without the need to actually have the file present on disk.

In the past, there has been some ambiguity for files whose size is a multiple of the chunk size (9500 KiB). Old versions of some eD2k hash tools computed file hashes with an additional 0-byte chunk at the end. This is because an ambiguity of the term remainder chunk which can be interpreted as either the last chunk or a non-full chunk at the end. Following the latter interpretation, some implementations added a zero byte chunk in case the last chunk of a file was a complete one. This practice is discouraged however and the first interpretation is used as a standard nowadays to prevent some files from having different hashes depending on the algorithm implementation used to calculate their hash.[2]

Server links

A server link is a reference to an eDonkey2000 server; clicking on such a link typically adds it to the server list. Server links are indicated by the server token at the beginning of the link and have the following format:

  • IP – IP of the server to connect to.
  • PORT – Port where the server is listening for incoming eD2k connections


See also


  1. emule source, method CKnownFile::CreateFromFile.
  2. 'Ed2k-hash - MLDonkey'. http://mldonkey.sourceforge.net/Ed2k-hash. Retrieved 23 April 2018.

External links

  • emule forum guides How to remove the ed2k link protocol association in windows.
  • aMule wiki: ed2k link.
  • emule project Ed2k link formats supported by emule client.
  • ED2K tools - ED2K_Hash Tool to create ED2K hashes.
  • Phantom P2P eD2k Links Provider

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Original source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Ed2k URI scheme. Read more

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  • 4URI Construction
    • 4.1Official Paramaters
  • 5Implementation
    • 5.1JavaScript Implementation

Document Status

Magnet Specification originally created 2002-06-12

Previous Revisions include 2002-06-17.

This specification is still draft as of this writing.

Due to the modular design of magnets, portions of this document may change without notice.

Original document by Gordon Mohr gojomo@bitzi.com

This version by Harold Feit dreadwingknight@gmail.com / dwknight@depthstrike.com


This document describes the primary syntax and usage of magnet links and their general uses in computer programs.

The Magnet URI was originally designed to be an application nonspecific version of the Freenet's freenet: and eDonkey/eMule's ed2k: peer to peer file identifier links.


This document is based primarily on RFC 1738 and RFC 2396.


The decision to use the word Magnet was not based on any acronym, but rather the concept of bringing multiple dissimilar applications and groups together on common concepts.

Magnets are processed client-side and not server side. The typical intention is to have a preprocessor loaded on a system that gives users a list of supporting programs and the option to load the magnet into one of them. This document only handles what common values are used, not what individual applications do once they have them.

URI Construction

The Magnet URI starts with 'magnet:?' as its prefix. No '//' is present at this point because the URI's namespace is not hierarchial.

Application-specific paramaters should be prefixed with x. so their implementations do not interfere with official paramaters.

Application-specific values of official paramaters that are not recognized by an application should be ignored.

Official Paramaters

This section describes the official paramaters present in a magnet link.

When an application is passed a paramater, it is up to that application to either support it or ignore it.

x.* paramaters are used for application-specific extensions.

Numbered suffixes on paramater names are used to reference multiple different topics in the same URI. Each number is a different topic.

The xt, dn, xl, xs and as paramaters group by numbered suffix.

xt - eXact Topic

This paramater specifies the exact topic to be displayed. Multiple xt= paramaters are permitted. When a numbered siffix is not present, most applications typically assume that all the xt= paramaters reference the same topic. This is generally accepted behavior.

Currently in-use xt= paramater value prefixes (not sorted):

The xt= paramater may, in some cases, be another URI such as a http:// or ftp:// link.

kt - Keyword Topic

This paramater specifies keywords to locate the sought after topic. The typical use of this paramater is to pre-populate a search box in a given application.

dn - Display Name

This paramater is typically used in conjunction with the xt= paramater to give a friendly name for a user.

xs/as - eXact Source/Acceptable Source

These paramaters are used to give known locations for obtaining files referenced using the xt= paramater. In general use, these paramaters are interchangable, although some applications only recognize xs, and others preference xs sources.

When both xs= and as= sources are used in the same magnet, xs= sources are typically used to reference a file by a hash (usually one referenced in an xt= paramater), and as= sources are used for traditional links such as a sourceforge mirror.

The value for these paramaters can be any URI that directly references a file, including http:// ftp:// ed2kftp://

mt - Manifest Topic

This paramater is used to reference a metafile that has definitions for multiple topics in it.

xl - eXact Length

(Pending approval for official status)

This paramater is used to specify the length in bytes of the file referenced by a given xt= paramater.


Implementation of magnets has been migrating from javascript site-based implementation to application client-based implementation.

Current specifications permit for both.

Pre-Parsers on the client side populate a list of magnet supporting applications, and when passed a magnet, they prompt the user if more than one supporting application is present.

JavaScript Implementation

It is usually possible to have these URIs work by having javascript in the originating page capture clicks on such URIs -- without any prior browser/platform-specific installation. Local apps just have to listen for local requests to provide options.

Specifically, each local app that wants to be given the chance to offer up options for MAGNET URIs should open a mini-HTTP-listener on the lowest available port, in the range 45100-45199. If not in the first 5 positions (45100-45104), they should also periodically check to see if higher positions open up, and if so, move downward with their MAGNET-listening service.

Such MAGNET-listening services should only accept inbound connections from the local machine.

The common Javascript and HTML templates which capture clicks on 'magnet:' URIs -- or the 'magnet:' URI handling code installed in the browser- and platform- specific manner -- discovers all local options via GETs against local URLs including:


Return a gif/jpeg/png image, 90x30, representing your program. Any server not returning such a valid logo will be considered to be something other than a MAGNET-compliant server. Web pages can poll for these images to see if services are available, and peer MAGNET services can poll for these images to find their port-neighbors (or see when they go away).



Given the params -- which are the same as the contents of a 'magnet:' URI, after the '?' -- if your program can offer any operations for those parameters, return a 90x30 image. If you cannot offer any useful options for those paramters, return a NOT-FOUND or other error. The test of whether or not the program can handle the params should not take excessively long or trigger signficant CPU/network traffic.



Given the params, lifted from a 'magnet:' URI, display identifying info about your program and any relevant links/forms/etc. showing what is possible for those parameters. You have total control over what is rendered, via Javascript document.write() commands, but keep in mind the program's options may be rendered in a page in line with other programs' options as well. The assembly of available options and relevant graphics should not trigger significant CPU/network traffic or take a long time; such costly actions should only be undertaken after an intentional user choice.

The variable 'magnetCurrentSlot' will be set to the relative port (eg 0-99) this code came from, before it is run. The variables 'magnetOptionsPreamble' and 'magnetOptionsPostamble' will contain strings the options code should emit before and after its custom HTML. If successful in rendering any information at all, the variable 'magnetOptionsPollSuccesses' should be incremented by 1.


Ed2k To Magnet Link

Ed2k Search Engine


Given the params, lifted from a 'magnet:' URI, perform the programs' 'default' action and return javascript which renders an indication this has occurred, and perhaps offers other options. The default action should not be excessively taxing on the local machine or the network, at least not beyond common user expectations. (For example, it is acceptable for a Gnutella servent to initiate a regular search as its default action.) If no default action makes sense, just return the same javascript as for options.js.

Ed2k To Bt



Parameter port will be a port number lower than the port this request is delivered to. It indicates that the server on that port is going through an orderly shutdown. Server may report any success (2xx) code to indicate that it plans to relocate up to the given port, or any failure code (4xx/5xx) if it plans to stay put.

Ed2k To Torrent


MAGNET service should keep the requestor waiting for 250ms, then return an error/empty content-body. (Javascript has no truly idle wait -- but making an inline request for a resource from a socket that doesn't answer, or only answers after a delay, is almost as good.)

Magnet Service Shutdowns

A MAGNET service going through an orderly shutdown should generate closeNotify requests to each port number higher than itself, one at a time in sequence, until it either gets back a success code or receives 5 'unable to connects' (eg no listener).

Other Implementations

Other implementations of magnet link handling include client-side C++ and an in-progress VB.Net/C# implementation.

The priorities when developing such an implementation should be to intelligently parse known supporting programs, provide accurate lists of programs that support a given magnet, and pass the magnet to that application cleanly.

Pre-processing of the magnet (Such as xs/as sub-URI replacement) is permitted so long as specifications are followed.

Ed2k To Magnet Link

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