Jw Public Talk Software

  1. Public Talk Scheduler

Jehovah's Witnesses Public Talks. Jehovah's Witnesses Public Talk recordings. Please visit jw.org for a free home Bible study or further information. JW Scheduler JW Scheduler is a software program designed for Jehovah’s Witnesses. Its purpose is to simplify and unify the scheduling and organizing of the congregation.

Did you ever wonder what are those past convention themes

JW Public Talk Scheduler JW Scheduler contains Public Talk scheduler software. The congregation Public Talk Coordinator can quickly and easily schedule both incoming and outgoing public speakers, as well as other parts of the weekend meeting, such as Chairman, Watchtower Reader and Public Speaker Hospitality. Welcome to the SoundBox website. We create and support free, open-source Windows software for use by the audiovisual team at meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses. Please see below for a description of products to supplement your use of JW Library. Jehovah's Witnesses Ministry Supplies At Ministry Ideaz, you will find wonderful products for Jehovah’s Witnesses and supplies for your entire family, your friends, and your loved ones. We offer beautiful book covers in leather, leatherette, and vinyl along with high-quality ministry bags to hold your ministry supplies for Jehovah’s Witnesses.

used by the Jehovah's Witnesses? Well, here is a list (compilation) of all convention themes from the oldest up to the present. We will update this page as new convention themes are announced.
  • From 1886 to 1931, conventions are referred to as 'Bible Students’ General Meeting' and 'Bible Students’ Conventions.'
  • From 1932 to 1941, conventions are referred to as 'General Conventions', 'National Conventions' and 'Theocratic Assemblies'.
  • Starting the 1942, Theocratic Assemblies and conventions bears a theme.
  • From 1948 to 1977, conventions are referred to as 'District Assemblies' and 'International Assemblies.'
  • From 1978 to 2013, we used the term 'District Conventions', 'International Convention' and 'Special Convention.'
  • On 2014, 'District Convention' was replaced by the term 'Regional Convention.' 'International Convention' and 'Special Convention' remains the same.

PublicConvention Themes (through the years)
  • 2021 'Powerful By Faith!' [Read more: 2021 Regional Convention Theme, Badge, Program and Invitation]
  • 2020 'Always Rejoice!'
  • 2019 'Love Never Fails!'
  • 2018 'Be Courageous!'
  • 2017 'Don't Give Up!'
  • 2016 'Remain Loyal to Jehovah!'
  • 2015 'Imitate Jesus!'
  • 2014 'Keep Seeking First God’s Kingdom!'
  • 2013 'God’s Word Is Truth!'
  • 2012 'Safeguard Your Heart!'
  • 2011 'Let God’s Kingdom Come!'
  • 2010 'Remain Close to Jehovah!'
  • 2009 'Keep on the Watch!'
  • 2008 'Guided by God’s Spirit'
  • 2007 'Follow the Christ!'
  • 2006 'Deliverance at Hand!'
  • 2005 'Godly Obedience'
  • 2004 'Walk With God'
  • 2003 'Give God Glory'
  • 2002 'Zealous Kingdom Proclaimers'
  • 2001 'Teachers of God's Word'
  • 2000 'Doers of God's Word'
  • 1999 'God's Prophetic Word'
  • 1998 'God's Way of Life'
  • 1997 'Faith in God's Word'
  • 1996 'Messengers of Godly Peace'
  • 1995 'Joyful Praisers'
  • 1994 'Godly Fear'
  • 1993 'Divine Teaching'
  • 1992 'Light Bearers'
  • 1991 'Lovers of Freedom'
  • 1990 'Pure Language'
  • 1989 'Godly Devotion'
  • 1988 'Divine Justice'
  • 1987 'Trust in Jehovah'
  • 1986 'Divine Peace'
  • 1985 'Integrity Keepers'
  • 1984 'Kingdom Increase'
  • 1983 'Kingdom Unity'
  • 1982 'Kingdom Truth'
  • 1981 'Kingdom Loyalty'
  • 1980 'Divine Love'
  • 1979 'Living Hope'
  • 1978 'Victorious Faith'
  • 1977 'Joyful Workers'
  • 1976 'Sacred Service'
  • 1975 'Divine Sovereignty'
  • 1974 'Divine Purpose'
  • 1973 'Divine Victory'
  • 1972 'Divine Rulership'
  • 1971 'Divine Name'
  • 1970 'Men of Goodwill'
  • 1969 'Peace on Earth'
  • 1968 'Good News for All Nations'
  • 1967 'Disciple-Making'
  • 1966 'God's Sons of Liberty'
  • 1965 'Word of Truth'
  • 1964 'Fruitage of the Spirit'
  • 1963 'Everlasting Good News'
  • 1962 'Courageous Ministers'
  • 1961 'United Worshipers'
  • 1960 'Peace-Pursuing'
  • 1959 'Awake Ministers'
  • 1958 'Divine Will'
  • 1957 'Life-Giving Wisdom'
  • 1955 'Triumphant Kingdom'
  • 1953 'New World Society'
  • 1952 'Press On to Maturity'
  • 1951 'Clean Worship'
  • 1950 'Theocracy's Increase'
  • 1947 'All Nations Expansion'
  • 1946 'Glad Nations'
  • 1944 'United Announcers'
  • 1943 'Call to Action / Free Nation's'
  • 1942 'New World'

Are you baptized during a convention? If yes, comment its year and theme.
Sources: JW.org / JW Broadcasting / WOL.JW.org / Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of Pennsylvania

Public Talk Scheduler