Dreaming Mary

Made by : Accha

Acrostic Poem About Achieving Your Dreams. Hold onto your dream while mindful of time. Optimism required, let your light shine. Persistence prevails, while some may cast doubt. Expectation desired is what it's about. Read Complete Poem. Dreaming Mary is an indie, sidescrolling horror-adventure RPG game created by Accha. It was released on April 17th, 2014. Mary is a girl who loves to dream. In fact, she loves to dream so much she can spend an entire day dreaming.

RPG Maker VX Ace Lite

Genre : Horror Adventure Game

Story :

Mary is a girl who loves to dream. In fact, she loves to dream so much she can spend an entire day dreaming. One day, when she falls asleep, she finds herself in a nostalgic place very different from her other dreams. Everyone there knows her and treats her like an old friend, and they invite her to play with them or help them. When she finishes all of their tasks, she is invited deeper into the dream.
Dreaming MaryWill you lead her to fall into her dreams? Or will you bring her back to the waking world?

Subjective Review :

Cute game, at first. Until I met those nightmare. HA! Really a nightmare. and the boar is suspicious though. Never believe him.

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Subjective Rate : 8/10

Game Played. Complete

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Dreaming Mary Walkthrough

Walkthrough :

Dreaming Mary Tv Tropes

Dreaming Mary Endings

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