Free Imvu Skin Templates

To view more content like this on my channel please like and subscribe šŸ’—. Comment below if you have any questions. Thanks for watching! Oct 15, 2016 - Freebie Products available @ The VITAL Sellfy Shop (Freebie Catalog Products available at iMMuneC's Catalog @ IMVU. Apr 06, 2021 A lot of us may not know about this, but IMVU provides creators with free skin templates. You can download this template and make it your own. Below I will provide a link where you can browse through the skin templates they provide in a PSD format. It may also work for the GIMP software, but it is specifically for Photoshop. IMVUā€™s Skin Templates. Here are IMVU's basic wireframe templates for making Skins, Brows, and Eyes Supplied by IMVU. Brow: Keef made Content Creator Maps Eye: Unisex. This one IMVU has not provided so I pulled the map from 3D Max.


For the purposes of this tutorial, we assume you have read the Avatar Body Parts Introduction, the Weighting in Phsyique Tutorial, the Export the Mesh ā€“ .xmf Tutorial, the Export Materials ā€“ .xrf Tutorial and the Intro to Create Mode.

Composite Skin

ā€˜Composite skinā€™ is the technical name for an item of clothing that is skin tight but does not override the skin texture. This allows IMVU users to change skintight items while keeping their underlying skin texture on and thus still being ā€˜themā€™. Even better, it allows IMVU Creators to create clothing items simply by painting them on as opposed to having to mesh, map, weight and export their own entirely new geometries. As you can imagine, composite skin products deliver a pretty broad canvas to those Creators who are better painters than builders.

There really is no special magic involved. Although it might be a bit confusing as to why we built the functionality this way, it works and we are sticking with it! ha.


Build Mesh ā€“ Select the Mesh

We assume you have already read the Avatar Body Parts Introduction and therefore know where to get the default weighting avatars. No? You donā€™t remember? Fine. You can get the Female Weighting File here and the Male Weighting File here.

With one of these files open, select the body part you wish to export, then select the Edit Poly modifier that already exists in the stack.


You can build one mesh that covers the entire avatar body. This will require new weighting but it can be done.

Build Mesh ā€“ Select All Polygons in That Mesh

Free imvu skin templates generator

In face select mode, select all of the faces of the mesh.

Build Mesh ā€“ Change Material ID

Change all of the material IDs on the mesh to material ID 1 ā€“ which is the UpperBody [0] material slot.

Build Mesh ā€“ Weight & Export

Weight the mesh using Phyqisue. To learn how to do this, please go to the Weighting in Phsyique Tutorial.

With the mesh selected (it should turn white in wireframe mode), choose Export in the file menu, scroll to the .xmf file format, name your mesh file, click save, choose the avatar skeleton file that comes in the ZIP files found in step 1 and then click next/finish until there are no Cal3D windows visible.


To avoid confusion with other Developersā€™ products and therefore to avoid copyright infringement issues, please give your .xmf file a name that is easily recognizable as coming from you.

Build Mesh ā€“ Make Two Textures

In an image editor like Photoshop, create a diffuse (opaque/color) texture and an opacity/alpha texture that match the size of the avatarā€™s skin texture. This texture can be either 128Ɨ256 or 256Ɨ512. So, using an avatar skin texture as a guide, you should make two separate textures: a diffuse texture and an opacity texture.

To learn more about where to download avatar skin textures, please go to the Textures Introduction.

To learn more about opacity maps, please go to the Opacity Maps Tutorial.

Create Material ā€“ Launch Material Editor

In MAX, open the material editor, use the eyedropper to select the avatarā€™s multi-sub material and then open the ID 1/UpperBody [0] sub-material ā€“ this is the upperbody submaterial.

Create Material ā€“ Add Diffuse Map

Click on ā€˜diffuseā€™ and browse for your newly created diffuse texture. Then hit the back button on the material editor to get back to the ID 1/UpperBody [0] main area.

Create Material ā€“ Add Opacity Map


Click on the button that says ā€˜noneā€˜ next to the word ā€˜opacityā€˜ for this sub-material. In the dialog that appears, double click on the top option, ā€˜Bitmapā€˜, and browse for your newly opacity map. Now close the Material editor.

To learn more, go to the Opacity Map Tutorial.

Create Material ā€“ Export .xrf

Imvu skin textures

Select nothing in the main MAX window, choose Export, scroll to the .xrf file format, name your material file, choose the material named ā€˜UpperBody [0]ā€™ and click next/finish until there are no Cal3D windows visible.

Editor ā€“ Derive

We assume you have already read the intro to Create Mode.

The first step is to open Create Mode and Derive from one of the following products:

Female:product 167
Male:product 185

Editor ā€“ Override Body Parts

In the Config tab, choose which body part you want your mesh to replace.

To learn more about Body Part replacement, go to the Avatar Body Parts Introduction.

Remember: If you want to use multiple body parts (ie ā€“ if you want to override both the Top and the Pelvis), you must add .xmf files for each body part you want to override. There are two ways to add multiple body parts to a product: The first is to just click on the ID number in the Config tab. The second is to click the ā€˜Addā€™ button at the top of the Meshes tab and choose which ID you wish the new mesh to occupy.

Editor ā€“ 1. Add Mesh .xmf

In the Meshes tab, browse for your newly exported .xmf file. and hit the Apply Changes button. Your new mesh should appear with the existing material applied to it. If this is the case, move on to the next step. If this is not the case, then something went wrong in the export process. If so, you will need to check:

  1. The weighting in MAX (is the physique modifier turned on? Are the vertices weighted?)
  2. The skeleton .xsf file (did you use the Female04_Anime01_SkeletonMASTER.xsf file supplied in the ZIP files?)
  3. The exported assetā€™s file type (it should be .xmf ā€“ not .cmf or anything else)

Editor ā€“ 2. Add texture

Click the ā€˜Editā€™ button and browse for your diffuse (aka ā€œcolorā€) texture.

Editor ā€“ 3. Add opacity map

Click the ā€˜Addā€™ button and browse for your new texture.

Editor ā€“ 4. Check ā€˜Skin Compositeā€™

To get your composite skin to show up on top of the avatar skin, make sure to check the ā€˜skin compositeā€™ check box found in the Material Parameters panel.

Editor ā€“ 5. Check ā€˜Skin Compositeā€™

To get your composite skin to show up on top of the avatar skin, make sure to check the ā€˜skin compositeā€™ check box found in the Material Parameters panel.

Editor ā€“ Save & Submit

Free Imvu Skin Templates Images

Save this product and Upload it. Voila! You have created a skin tight composite mesh that can be derived from by thousands of Creators from around the world.

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Free Imvu Skin Templates Maker


Free Imvu Skin Templates Printable

Hello. I know many of you want free layouts. Well guess what? Itā€™s your lucky day! This website is all about free layouts and how to add it to your homepage.

-WARNING- If you want a personally made layout, go to my shop.

So donā€™t be afraid to browse around this website. You can check out the gallery, look at the tutorials, or sign up to be a helper for this page. ^-^

Lets Start With Some Rules

DONā€™T: Claim these layouts were made by you or anyone else.
DO: Use these layouts as a guide to make your own. If youā€™re starting out, I find studying other peopleā€™s work a good way to know what does what and how it works. You can even keep my coding and change the image to what you want. Just donā€™t claim you made the whole layout and of course: Donā€™t sell.
DONā€™T: Sell these layouts in any way, shape or form. I donā€™t care if youā€™ve changed the image or changed the coding. As long as youā€™re using my images (in any way, shape or form) or copying the coding (in any way, shape or form), youā€™re using something I made and spent time on. Just donā€™t. And even if you do and you donā€™t care what I think: People at IMVU do, six people have been caught trying to sell my layouts but before any of them could make a sale, someone jumped in and showed the link to this site. So not only is it bad to do, youā€™ll get caught and reported to IMVU mods.
DO: Edit the layout if you wish. Found a DIV and wanna turn it into an iFrame? If you have the skills, feel free to stick some buttons over it and change the coding. Just donā€™t claim you made the whole layout and/or sell it on.
DONā€™T: Pretend to be me. This hasnā€™t happened yet, but I used to run a website for another social network site where I helped people get around the filter that prevented images being shown on their pages (harmless images, like pictures of cats and pink hearts, that sort of stuff). It got pretty huge (I once got 48k of hits in one day and despite the fact that I havenā€™t updated since 2007, I still got 51 visitors yesterday x.x) and before I knew it, not only were people selling the images that I was giving away for free, they also started to pose as me. So, a pre-emptive note, donā€™t pretend to be me and donā€™t believe anyone who says they are me. My IMVU avatar name is IShotCookieMonster8D. So nobody can pose as me.
DO: Feel free to make your own IMVU layout site if you wish! The more choice people have out there, the better and Iā€™ll be very happy to link to your site and even help out with setting it up (took me AGES to find the right WordPress plugin to show raw HTML!).
DONā€™T: Worry about giving me credit for these layouts. I have made a link button below people can stick on their layouts if they wish to link back here, but donā€™t worry if you wish to omit it. I have written my name on all the layouts, and linked my page on it. People can be cruel by trying to sell these layouts as their own.
Basically, what Iā€™m trying to say is that I wonā€™t feel bad if you donā€™t link back to me, but Iā€™ll be very happy if you do. Not only does it spread the word of this site and help others, itā€™ll be nice to see how you personalised one of my layouts to make it your own. I get a warm feeling inside when I land up on a page with one of the layouts. So link or not, I do not mind if you donā€™t ^^
DO: Accept that people will sell their own layouts and there is nothing wrong with it. The layouts here are for everyone and as a result, the personalisation of a layout is very limited. Shops are there so if you want a personal layout or one where theyā€™ll set up the whole layout, put your info in so you donā€™t have to and even make the account and pages for you, then shops are the way to go.

Side Note:

Just a quick note to say that the site is going under renovation! This is not the final result and things will improve better, but for now at least, this should be a nice upgrade! As weā€™re still updating, please look past any mess as it will be tidied up soon. So stay tuned over the next few days to see even more added stuff to enhance the site (: